Melfice_1 wrote...
that too. I really loved the popup-book style/Papercraft style of AT2 and the battle system was great. The other ton of systems themselves were awesome as well.
I feel like in AT2 everything fitted together. I loved the music the characters, the hymnos, the fighting system, just everything!
the thing that they locked you out of a cosmosphere at Lv 3 was a real fodder for replays!
on a sidenote - since it just olled over in indonesia
Happy birthday Ryuu!
yup yup,they make an unique style that I think people will prefer it than half done 3D graphics~ the story is good,character relationship developments,design,and the way they tell story or jokes about AT1 while in AT2,ahh 1 think I got a little disappointed,about how they change Spica~ I like her design from AT1~
so many great songs~
ahh,now you mention it,it's past 12 am~ XD
thank you melly~
Karina Arls wrote...
Well this place doesn't seem to be so dead like you said...
Ahh I forgot, happy birthday Ryuu~
it was,when you're not around nee-sama~
actually I kind of forget about it too,haha~
thank you nee-sama~
asaforever wrote...
I thought due daylight savings here midnight is in 50 minutes from now there. o.o
In any case,happy Birthday Ryuumin~!
hmm hmm? daylight savings?
thank you Asa~^^