Melfice_1 wrote...
Ethereal Dawn wrote...
Boooo... Reading... Booo...
sucks when you lack a primary education, huh?
Karina Arls wrote...
Should I be cooking in the middle of the night...?
if you do a huge meal, better start early
Mel can you stop?
Being mean to Seppy for no reason and saying hes not intelligent is rude and uncalled for.
He wasn't even talking to you and you take an opportunity to talk down to him.
I always try to look on both sides but when you're being such a jerk to someone I care about all the time theirs only so much I can take.
Leave him alone or ignore him if he bothers you so much. You take time out of your day to comment on his thoughts so what does that say?
I'm not trying to start anything but I would appreciate it if you would just leave your rude comments to yourself.