suddenly quote looks funny~ ._.
Old - Jenkins wrote...
Get item suggestions out of the way, it just limits inexperienced one's mindset into believing that there is only one or two roads for a hero. This one aspect applies to my friends, and it disturbs me greatly.
Get reported for not following the script? Are we playing NBA games where we cannot show expressions without receiving a technical foul. Maybe I should just play with bots from now on, at least they suck because they suck.
nah for me I think item suggestions is really helping,moreover if you're new to the hero,it helps you to get the "idea" of the heroes,but what makes it bad,people always think that the build must follow it...,if not follow it bad things will happens lol~
that feature helped me a lot when learning heroes on HoN and to learn new heroes too~
yup yup,tho that's limited to Ranked game only I think~ there's still small freedom in Pub games,but less dependable teammates~