Eternal Sin wrote...
You keep pushing your memories on me for some reason D: the hell's wrong with you man?
I just need more reasons to burn you alive, Qbon. I am not really one you would call an animal-lover, but I am still against violence on animals. Therefore, picking on you, who is an absurd entity formed by the amalgam of deity, human, and animal, is the most delicious to assault.
That, and I also need to know just how much of a weirdo I am. Some people close to me often say that I only play games not many people play, or know things not many people care enough to know. Normally, I wouldn't mind at all, but it can be lonely at times!
Karina Arls wrote...
if you think that's impossible, then stop thinking that I can't take some vulgarities... Gross stuffs is still no tho.
It's like foreigner trying to speak Japanese, so wonderfully done. Kagura is fine, I like her because she's fun, but sometimes she's just a bit too gross herself... No elegance at all!.. Oh but I'm still fond of her.
That is not a least bit encouraging considering I am just 2 days removed from getting yanked by you for making fun of your name, in which you call it indecent.
Then I hope you can like Tsukuyo. Even though I am 60% sure you wouldn't.
What is the Princess doing tonight at this day and hour though? I was kinda expecting someone like you to go outside, walk around the city, go to movies, watch Spongebob, and etc.