& before you ask me what about watching yaoi hentai & reading yaoi doujinshi and other yaoi anime & yaoi manga don't worry I'm including them too as well & I'm mainly asking about reading Yaoi hentai manga and before you jump my throat no I'm not seeking approvals & I'm just curios because i admit some of the yaoi anime,yaoi manga,yaoi doujinshi,Yaoi hentai manga & yaoi hentai looks like it's any good i might want to buy & add to my collection & if i choose to.
A another reason why am i asking because I'm a straight guy & if the fellow guys if you don't mind me saying fellow gamers,fellow otaku like myself or not sees it in my collection if i ever own yaoi anime,yaoi manga,yaoi doujinshi,Yaoi hentai manga & yaoi hentai in my collection might assumed,thinks I'm gay or ask me am i gay when I'm straight guy or some people might ask me am i gay when I'm straight guy and before you ask me why am i including yaoi doujinshi here is why i mainly get yaoi doujinshi if i ever do get any yaoi doujinshi in my collection.
It's because if he or she is 1 or more of my favorite characters in gaming,anime & manga that's just my main reasons why i might get yaoi doujinshi if i ever do get any yaoi doujinshi in my collection and 3rd reason why am i asking this is well it's because i admit some Yaoi hentai manga looks like it's any good what if i love it & what if i love it as 1 of my many favorite anime & as 1 of my many favorite manga and before any of you ask me no i haven't decided if i should get that series in my collection or don't sorry for a long read just wanted to see what do you think about this when it comes to yaoi anime,yaoi manga,yaoi doujinshi,Yaoi hentai manga & yaoi hentai,
Thanks for reading,thanks for your understanding & thanks for sharing your thoughts and if you want to include side tips on what should i do if anyone including if the fellow guys if you don't mind me saying fellow gamers,fellow otaku like myself or not sees it in my collection if i ever own yaoi anime,yaoi manga,yaoi doujinshi,Yaoi hentai manga & yaoi hentai in my collection might assumed,thinks I'm gay or ask me am i gay when I'm straight guy? then that's fine with me only if you want to thanks, thanks again for your time & your opinions :).