Custom home menu themes! Aah, the glories of homebrew! This one's mine, because god damnit
this series needs to be more popular. The three bottom images cycle as you scroll the bottom screen, like in the "animated" themes from the shop. Here's the rest of the ones I made over the weekend:
This one's the only H-theme I ended up making:
Callonia wrote...
Muh favorite anime No game no life, Muh favorite waifu Jibril!
Now I shall wait.
Haven't seen the series yet, how'd I do?
BagMan wrote...
I do indeed have a 3DS and my favourite anime is Usagi Drop. Are you making themes?
How u know? I put Menma for the top screen:
Antw0n wrote...
I've had a 3DS for over a year now.
My favorite anime is Game Grumps.
I know you're a Gundam fan so... What do you think? :P
Sneakyone wrote...
I have one, Favorite anime is Sora No Woto.
I had too many images, so I ended up making two of them:
Very sadly though, it's unlikely that most of you will be able to use them :(
You'll need some way to run custom code, and as of now the main requirement is that your 3DS is on firmware version 9.2.0 or lower. Any higher and there's currently no way to do it whatsoever. After that you'll need either the game Cubic Ninja, a flashcard, or a custom firmware. If you want more info you can check out
The 3DS section on GBATemp's forums. If you want to make your own themes you can read how here:
Edit: I can upload them somewhere if anyone's interested and actually able to use them.