animefreak_usa wrote...
That's me for the last 3 years
Damn freaky, that's rough. You coping okay bro? Hopefully you don't get Corona-chan on top of it.
opanihuya wrote...
I knew there was no way that among the 2,4 million people nobody here caught it. What did they prescribe you?
Nothing, my doctor just went over the usual shit of staying inside for the next 14 days and told me to stay hydrated, get good sleep etc. Same advice for a common cold. Looks like they're just as in the dark as we are as far as treatment is concerned. Personally I recommend not vaping or smoking, the few puffs I had off my vape definitely made the respiratory problem worse for a good while. Probably a silver lining for me, good excuse to finally get off the nicotine.
Split133 wrote...
Fuck man that sounds like it sucks. Hope you get well soon.
The symptoms seem to have been relieved a lot today so I think I'll be in the clear. Can't tell yet because apparently it could get worse. I'm relatively young and don't have any health concerns that the virus would affect so I should be okay. I can definitely see how it would fuck over pretty much anyone with a heart or lung condition or someone with high blood pressure, though.