Funny that you mentioned starting up a stream. I just recently brought a blue yeti for the eldritchparty stream. [its way past haitus, but work had to come first] It has the option of becoming an omnidirectional mic, perfect because its really a group of people in the same room playing a game. Much easier to deal with than the old set-up.
I do remember a few users that had stream channels. Maybe a directory of Fakku streamers? Fakku has sponsored that pro gamer before so something like this doesn't seem that far off of being a thing here.
I would love to stream to show off all my gaming victories/failures but I cant get a good streaming software and all the ones recommended are pay to use or 240-360P : /
1 - Super Street Fighter IV : Arcade Edition 2012 (PS3)
2 - BlazBlue : Chrono Phantasma (PS3)
3 - League of Legends (PC)
4 - World of Tanks (PC)
5 - Titanfall (PC)
6 - Final Fantasy XIII-3 (PS3)
I am also thinking about streaming a bit of Steins;Gate if anyone is interested in watching someone play a VN, as well as looking into future investments in buying myself either a PS Vita or a 3DS with capture cards to record and stream those games that never been released for console.
I would totally be up for this, provided I can play the games. Only games on that list I can play is LoL and I have SSF4:AE for pc, and also Smash for Wii but that's it
For first time either League(many people like it) or maybe Titanfall since it's been on the word these times.
That's from a "commercial" point of view, personally I'd like to see some Street Fighter :)
Leaning towards Street Fighter, BlazeBlue, or Titanfall. Not that picky though. If this thing gets popular, I'd add some indie and retro games from time to time as well.
So, here's the plan that I have so far. This weekend I won't be able to be online much do to me going down to Seoul again to hang out with the Cafe iD peeps. They'll be streaming SSFIV there this weekend if anyone is interested.
Next week, I'll be running at test run for the stream and try to fix out most of the bugs before the actual thing.
As for the actual steam itself, I am setting the date to start it for the morning 11th of May, which would be the night of the 10th for all US citizens. Hopefully this way, we can try to get the word out throughout Fakku, as well as any other means, to come watch it over the weekend.
As for now, I'll be using my personal channel here to broadcast it. When the time comes for testing, I'll notify you guys when I need a few viewers to help me out.
As for the game, I'm most likely leaning towards doing Titanfall. It seems the most easy to broadcast so far from my PC, as well as it being one of the easier games to get people into watching.
Also, I'm also looking for images and other things for a banner for the stream. Any and all images, logos, and what-have-you is very appreciated, thanks.