Waar wrote...
This idea of "evolving" ideals seems to be rather new(at least the specific wording), previously they would just be referred to as flip floppers. Not sure why the public is soo quick to embrace this obvious horse shit. I might believe a real change if someone is fundamentally close to the new idea but to go from one side of the ideological spectrum, to the other... (from pro choice suddenly to pro life) seems too convenient.
The same thing can be said about Hillary Clinton's ideologies about gay marriage - before the polls were in favor of gay marriage, her official opinion, as stated on TV, was "Marriage is a sacred bond between a man and a woman. I am against gay marriage."...
There was another important opinion of hers that suddenly had a drastic change to the complete opposite spectrum, but I can't remember it off the top of my head so... feel free to look for it at your own leisure.
Trump does the same shit, especially regarding his 'opinions' on mental health. If they could even be called that.
Personally, I don't care about LGBT or ADA politics (because it's a real thing, driven by peoples' opinions on gay/trans/disabled/disadvantaged/etc rights), because they don't affect me, but vile reptilian shape-shifters (almost all of them this year are) will affect our nation... in very bad ways.
Then there are candidates that are just... stupid.
Personally, I am in favor of not voting this year, since all the candidates are dishonest pieces of shit, in more ways than one.
I would say that, but if it comes down to a fight between Hillary or Trump VS anyone else, I'd vote for ANYONE else just to keep them out of office. I urge everyone to look into the personal, professional, and political backgrounds of all candidates extensively, and then you can draw your own conclusions... hopefully educated ones, ones that will benefit the working class citizens more than the wealthy, but not destroying the wealthy either and throwing the economy out of balance (my hopes will be crushed, of course, since the elections here are normally decided by a couple of swing states alone, and the rest of us can fuck off. I live in Oregon, so my opinion is literally not worth shit in the end).
BTW this post is not specifically replying to either one of you, only the part about comparing Hillary and Trump, and how they're both the disgusting old people versions of Satan in this election, was targeted at Waar.