623 wrote...
Vayne wrote...
623 wrote...
Foreground Eclipse wrote...
You need to aim for 623 reputation.
Oh shit I should do that. I just need to upload a bunch of stuff.
That could work, but then again you could only do it here, Nosebleed or CTFG because doing one on the uploads section will mess up your post count.
I thought uploads didn't affect your post count either.
it's not uploads exactly, but you have to make a topic to upload something. Unless I'm mistaken since I haven't made a topic in quite a while, doesn't making a new topic(ie, being the OP post) count adds up to the post count as well? Then again, if you already have a topic made, you could just edit your post and upload some more stuff on it.
Of course, this only applies to other sections of the forums aside from the ones I mentioned above.