Pyre wrote...
Sindalf wrote...
Agent Orange wrote...
Why did Koda move to another sub group?
Because high schoolers, terrible shows, b gata h kei.
If I started learning how to time, could I eventually be your backup :X?
Also, link stuff so I can learn how to time.
Only if you are as pro as me.
Kuroneko1/2 wrote...
Sindalf how many opening karaokes have you timed?
Full metal alchemist brotherhood op1, op2, ed2, op4, ed4, Heroman op and ed, Angel Beats opening v2 with very minor adjustments to v1, Angel Beats insert songs such as My Song and Alchemy, Blood+ op3 full version.
Timing may or may not include ktiming but just karaoke faggotry in general aside from lolshifting.