Cinia Pacifica wrote...
What's the best word (in your opinion) to use for people who are trying to do something good too hard but are doing it pretty badly?
Well-intentioned idiots, or if I'm feeling particularly ungenerous, inept.
Iam1vs100xp wrote...
Nick-name of your best friend!
We don't use nicknames, unfortunately.
bfg10k17 wrote...
How did you end up at Fakku?
Very carefully. (I've forgotten.)
doswillrule wrote...
Logitech G500, good choice.
If you could work for any company in the world, which would it be?
If Valve gave you a load of money, a massive team and free rein to make a game of your choosing, what would you make? Half Life 3 is not an option.
If you could get tickets to see any band or musician ever, who would it be?
It was a good choice until it started double clicking. I'm worried about the durability.
This probably sounds cliché, but probably Google. Or maybe a start-up with a lot of money.
Free reign? Hmm. Pokémon MMO.
If the tickets are to a concert, then no-thank-you. Otherwise, maybe Natasha Bedingfield.
mondragon078 wrote...
so i have a question. i won a grand prize.
the grand prize. What the hell should i do now? 0____0 am still in a state of shock.
I don't know, I guess try not to hyperventilate or something?
Tanasinn wrote...
we rarely talk to each other.
I am curious on your thoughts about me though.
Also would you suggest a Asus or a Acer laptop? Any other brands that you would suggest? Except Toshiba... been down that lane of hell already.
I don't see you post much on the forums so I can't really give you an accurate opinion.
I would suggest Asus over Acer. I haven't had any problems with Toshiba, but apparently lots of people have. IBM's Lenovo series is pretty durable, I hear.
Sly Ninja wrote...
Dear Tegumi:
What is your cup size? ^_^
doswillrule's answer. Except with tea, because I don't drink coffee.
Lollikittie wrote...
When was the precise moment in your life that you realized you were surrounded largely by morons?
Unfortunately I cannot pinpoint that, as it was very much a gradual dawning. Even now, I am surprised daily by how ridiculously stupid people can be.