GroverCleaveland wrote...
Which of these is better as a webcomic, either in terms of cleverness, or general humor: xkcd, Penny-Arcade, or Cyanide & Happiness?
XKCD in both counts.
Zak wrote...
Do you hate me now or something?
I was under the impression we at least got along. :(
We're not friends is what I said. Nothing more.
Morrison Remick Waite wrote...
Another question is do you think the Casey Anthony verdict should have came out the way it did?
I haven't read up about it at all, and everything I've heard is secondhand. I have heard that the verdict is a bit of an outrage, though.
Callonia wrote...
Tegumi, do your avatar reflect what you think of the overwhelming despair of Fakku IB section as is?
Make that despair at the forum in general.
Sneakyone wrote...
Whats your opinion of me?
Neutral, I don't know much about you.