Antw0n wrote...
Do you / have you ever played any TCG?
Just started playing Magic: The Gathering so it made me wonder.
Not really, no.
Kai Shinza wrote...
Tegurashi, How does it feel to have your thread moved to a place far worse than Incoherent Babbling?
I don't really care.
Akira v.DOA wrote...
see if you can answer that.
PumpJack McGee wrote...
Heya Tegs.
So what are you up to theses days?
Waiting on you to finish that picture for me, Pumpypoo. ;o
Cinia Pacifica wrote...
What's your everyday routine IRL?
Takka takka takka.
godotccf wrote...
How do you feel about about Hydrangeas?
They're really pretty?