aznstoner wrote...
Aion Crux wrote...
yes. maybe not all the british do that.
but dont you think the parents will storying it to their children and makes them to hate witch and kill the cats?
maybe not all the british do that. but most of them do. it almost be their cultural for killing the cats.
even now,the witches still hated by british. that's why Harry Potter is created. this a grammar joke? Are you [b]intentionally[b] talking bad to deliver humor upon yourself?
Aion Crux aka Yuu aka EXAM seems to have some English problems, actually many Indonesian does... language barrier, just like Jacob sez...
Even my English is messed up sometimes...
On that matter, what do you guys think about my English? Rate it...
I'll try to fix it in the future...
Hmmm, all this witches talks makes me wants to speak Indonesian...
Kalo di Indonesia, yang berbahaya tuh DUKUN SANTET! heheheh...