æ£ç¾© wrote...
The police departments nationwide are corrupt as a whole and the few people who actually care don't have the power to do anything about it.
I don't think there's enough empirical evidence to support that.
æ£ç¾© wrote...
Even the idiots who think they can take up arms against the government in revolution are just fooling themselves - you can't fight the government or its military - they have superior weapons, superior training, teamwork, communication, intelligence, technology, and anything else you could think of.
The irony is we can't kill a bunch of middle eastern "terrorist" without killing a peaceful majority with indiscriminate drone bombing. So let's amp it up and do in the US, because that's totally feasible and everyone in the US top military and intelligence brass would be up for it.
æ£ç¾© wrote...
Not to mention, the government and it's unofficially affiliated megacorporations mostly control our currency's value (based on debt, not gold/silver/oil), and in turn, control every single product you need to survive long-term.
This is the problem with pragmatism. Single national currency and a strong central government are all markings of a first world nation but it doesn't have to be so.
æ£ç¾© wrote...
It may not appear that way, but what if we suddenly stopped trading with China?
Ideally after a sudden spike US entrepreneurs would fill in the gaps. The US would then have an abundant amount of low tier jobs that we could export to South and Central America?
æ£ç¾© wrote...
What if the US government suddenly decided, in large numbers, "Fuck the country let's get the hell out of here!"?
What do you mean? Elected officials just leaving?
æ£ç¾© wrote...
What do you think would happen to anyone who used the US dollar as currency?
Literally millions of viable options.
æ£ç¾© wrote...
There are self-sufficient communities out there, but do you think they'd survive if they fucked with the military?
Nope, gone in days, maybe weeks if they're lucky.
I love the assumption that without this abusive, abrasive and sometimes uncaring entity we're nothing when in reality it's the other way around.