neyapuckachinha wrote...
animefreak_usa wrote...
yummines wrote...
animefreak_usa wrote...
yummines wrote...
More riots? What is it this time? Another black guy get shot?
Actually he broke his neck in the paddy wagon after the driver slam on the breaks.
Uh... how the fuck does someone break their neck from the driver hitting the brakes too hard? I am legitimately confused.
What are we filming Death Proof or something?
Speed up so he slides back and stop quickly. Slide fast into the front cage if you are on a angle your head hits the cage and neck snaps. I seen people die on the football field that ways. Head first tackle.
Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah let's wait til like, an official report maybe, cause that sounds a little farfetched. Also, shooting the fuckers is exactly why there are riots. Also, people are stoopid, no matter the color of their skin.
This is what the police said happen. Since it happen two times before this one happen. The officers protection union admitted this is what probably what occurred. The rough ride happens a lot.
I saw it on cnn yesterday but here what was said.
They changed there statement I guess since the new one said they heard of any rough ride ever. Meh a few retards burning shit making the protesters legitimate protest look like the riot they want.
There a copy before cnn changed it from what the union saying now.
Plus shooting rioters isn't the same as shoot non armed non treating people. Burning shit down and beating others to show you're mad isn't the same as protesting police abuses and death.