Waar wrote...
I am only going to say this once, From a legal standpoint
this petition to ban me from the internet is an automatic fail
because you can not legally remove my internet connection and
this petition is really just a form of cyber bullying.
LOL, the fact that you took this as an actual petition is probably the best part of the whole thing. Perhaps you should tell you parents about how mean we've been to you.
I don't live with my parents I moved out when I was 19 and 90% of users on
this site still live at home with there parents.
what? did you even understand my point? You're crying about bullying, I didn't make a single reference to your living arrangements... Are you unable to reach your parents so you cant complain about the bullies? It's like you took my mocking you as a serious suggestion... that can't be it; that would be fucking retarded.
You are priceless, I believe it's time we start using you as the standard for retard on these boards. I will no longer compare users to Angelus, I will now call people the new slayer nexus.