Zamor wrote...
AzelleFans wrote...
................ Hush, you still have Mary and whoever-the-other-girls-are. *rolling Zammy away*
-w- Nou they are mine!
AzelleFans wrote...
Elly is an evil Imperator..
.............. Silly Zammy. There's no good Imperator in this world...... *flips Zammy away*
Sanada-Kun wrote...
AzelleFans wrote...
Sanada-Kun wrote...
So many people, so sleepy
............... No classes today, nii-san? *gave Yagyuu to Sanada and curled up on his lap*
Classes done. Now lazy to do anything.
*takes yagyuu to rape cave
............ Then go sleep? BP has maintenance today, too....*put a hidden camera on the rape cave*