Through popular demand of said movie. I am pleased to present a less than quality thread!
Via extreme knowledge of the series of gundam and extensive interviews of many *cough* 2-3 people. I have found it to be quality beyond believing.
I mean
LOOK at that title picture. ITS FUCKEN MAJESTIC. That is the ultimate anal propelled GUNDAM!
Just knowing about this movie makes bitches wet. I shall now present to you all imagery that will wow the mind. Straight from the heart of sources such as wiki (didn't read) and GOOGLE!
This image portrays the pilots flying their GUNDAMS in a gentile fashion as the fuel their giant robots PURELY on rectal GAS!!!!!!
I am also required by law to mention the we Damoz reviews limited do not endorse the sniffing of the exhaust pipes of GUNDAMS!!!! for personal pleasure~
I am also obligated to mention, i know absolutely jack all about this movie~
Also yes i am that bored!