[color=#006FFF]Following suit, my top three for doujin would have to be...
Inazuma/Satou Shouji. I'm a longtime fan of their work in general, so their art being in doujin is great; being a fan of ahegao and a lot of squeezing/groping and lactation, their work is right up my alley. I especially love
Kensoh Ogawa. This is probably the first artist that I came across and actually noticed--before him, I never cared so much about whose work I was reading. The first doujin of his I read was the series, Honey Blonde which still remains as one of my favorite doujin series.
TNC. While this artist/group doesn't have many doujin (here), I love their art. The doujin "The Beast and..." has to be one of my all-time favorites to this day.