Kouki wrote...
True bro story here.
A buddy of mine has his car broke down in campus (university). He called me up but I didn't answer because I was in class. Texted him asking what was up and gave me the 411 that his had died in a parking lot. I left class to aid him. I had diagnosed that his alternator was broken. Told him it would be best if we went to his apartment complex to fix his car.
Gave him a quick jump and crossed our fingers his car would make it. It didn't. It had died on a busy street. So I got out of my car and pushed his car out of the way to another parking lot. Other people were watching but didn't help other than this random-bro (Thanks dude!).
I pushed the car so hard that my quads seized up and I couldn't walk right. I even tripped and fell (which made me look like a fool) while trying to get to my car that was in the way of traffic.
Some random hot-chick said "Are you all right?" I responded with "I can't feel my legs, but thanks for asking." After that it took a couple hours to switch his alternator to get it working again. Oh and it was also a cold day.
TL;DR: I left class to help out a buddy with a car problem.
Do I qualify as a bro?
Oh finally, someone brought up a real bro story, you get to be Bro of the week until further notice.
Rise-chan wrote...
I have a bro, dunno if I'm worthy though. But he says that we're bros anyway.
Aren't you a girl? girls can only be Bros if they have performed as a wingman. I better check the book on this.... there's an Article about how a girl can become a bro somewhere.