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Master Race

(2) Mariamme, Mariamme, know me: do not
touch me.
Drt the tears of they eyes and know me that I am thy
(5) master. Only touch me not, for I have not seen the
face of my Father.
They God was not stolen away, according to the thoughts of thy
littleness: thy God did not die, rather he mastered death.
(9) I am not the gardener: I have given, I have received the ...., I
appeared (?) [not]
(10) to thee, until I saw thy tears and they weakness ... for (?) me.
Cast this sadness away from thee and do this service:
be a messenger for me to those lost orphans.
Make haste rejoicing, and go unto the Eleven. Thou
shalt find them gathered together on the bank of the Jordan.
(15) The traitor persuaded them to be fishermen as they were
at first and to lay down their nets with which they caught
men unto life.
Say to them, 'Arise, let us go, it is your brother that calls
you.' If they scorn my brotherhood, say to them,
(20) 'It is your master.'
If they disregard my mastership, say to them, 'It
is your Lord.' Use all skill and advice until thou hast brought
the sheep to the shepherd.
If thou seest that their wits are gone, draw Simon Peter
(25) unto thee; say to him, 'Remember what I uttered
between thee and me.
'Remember what I said between thee and me in the Mount
of Olives: "I have something to say, I have none to whom
to say it." '
(30) Rabbi, my master, I will serve thy commandment in the
joy of my whole heart.
I will not give rest to my heart, I will not give sleep to my eyes, I
will not
(33) give rest to my feet until I have brought the sheep to the fold.
Glory to Mariamme, because she hearkened to her master,
(35) she] served his commandment in the joy o fher whole heart.
Glory and] victory to the soul of the blessed Mary.