Waar wrote...
Cutting off immigration for other European nations?
cruz737 wrote...
Because I said my thoughts and didn't merely appeal to authority.
My thoughts were "I don't know", which are as valid as yours. BTW what do you have against "experts" in any field?
cruz737 wrote...
But assuming you where being sincere here, what is it that you want me to prove?
Your points? The experts gave facts and figures(mostly on CNN, CSPAN and whatever John Oliver had to say) while you gave me... well nothing. You said most of those who wanted to leave weren't isolationists but I'm not seeing any proof here. This pretty much why I said the "authority" figures carry more weight than you do, surely you saw that.
BTW, questioning my motives? Really? Do I have reason to lie?
They're not cutting off immigration from other countries. Especially not European countries, seeing as how they're still planning on bringing a lot of Polish immigrants.
Where are you getting this information?
Also you haven't named any experts, unless you qualify John Oliver as one. Nor are you actually saying or giving context to what they're saying.
The biggest reason to lie, at least from all the times I'm assuming you've done it is to save face. Probably?