xZEINZUx wrote...
I've been a member of this site for 4 years...
xZEINZUx wrote...
What a bunch of dumbasses...
Just because you have time to waste on forums, doesn't mean the rest of us do.
This isn't a social media site, it's a porn site. Get over yourselves.
Biggest mistake anyone makes when they've been on a website for a long time is that they think their idea for the site won't be met with criticism because of their account's age. But it doesn't work like that.
Posting in the wrong forum and calling the people you want support from dumbasses for telling you to use Google isn't going to help your case. You even claim to have a life and don't have time for the forums, but if you're here in the first place looking for chinese cartoon pr0nz to download - and have knowledge of the fact that the site used to have Download links - I question that claim.
- DL links are still provided in the description at the Uploader's discretion. They're not obligated to provide one. You can just go to the Translator's site and download it from there if available.
[*]Google exists, so use it.
If you had prior knowledge of the forums beforehand, this would have gone a lot more smoothly.