Harontiar wrote...
Regarding Special Rule 5, when can we say that a player is already in an auction? Is it when the user made the first bidding or is it the time of the actual start of the auction?
I call for an amendment on General Rule 7. Please insert the phrase ''from the first purchase'' between the phrase [...24 hours] and the immediate succeeding comma after it, from the second sentence. From the way I understand it, this rule disallows further auctions or claims to the purchased user after the 24 hour period, if I'm truly correct of the rationale of this rule. Furthermore, the auction is a special case whereby you can still buy a user through the bidding process, despite after the 24 hour period. In that case, the user who won the auction is immuned or can no longer be challenged, only with respect to the claimed Fakku Member, as the 24 hour period from the first purchase had already expired, making them permanently owned until the next reset of the game. I just want assurance of absolute prohibition on claiming a Fakku Member who was already bought through auction, as it would be prejudicial and deemed unfair on the part of the users who exhausted their precious RPs for the sake of claiming that user.
A person is considered in an auction, as soon as the Auction starts. HOWEVER, In my own opinion I find it pointless for others to auction for someone that is already "announcing" to join an auction, as by the time the auction starts, it makes any other auction Void. so for the sake of Less hassle. I will say they are considered in an Auction when "the person" "announces" to be in an auction, or if "another person" Auctions for one of their people.
I can add that line, it simply clarifies the rule.
Auction's are the same as "Buying" a user. after it has been 24 hours that person is your's till the new game, unless you sell them. The same is said for an Auction. winning an auction is the same as purchasing a user AND it having been 24 hours. So anyone won during an auction is yours till new game unless you sell.