Welcome to the Third/Fourth incarnation of the CTFG Masterlist!
Here we try to organize the threads within CTFG both big, and small. As to not necro-bump multiple threads we shall try to limit the threads added.
If any thread creators/owners wish to add a special banner to advertise their threads I will be more than happy to include it in the masterlist!!
New Features for Masterlist?
- Thread Advertisement Banners: Users will be allowed to advertise their threads with Banners in masterlist! Including Custom banners for their regulars!
- Create a Banner!: If you're too lazy and/or unable to create a banner for your thread just ask via thread, or PM! I'll make one to your liking!
- Daily Activity Updates!: Thread will be updated daily with activity of each thread! [This will be a BETA]
Let's work together to make this the best Masterlist for everyone, Nyu~!! ^-^