Drifter995 wrote...
flar3fir3 wrote...
Drifter995 wrote...
Funny how I just facebooked that page, and found out who posted it. If op wanted some privacy, they didn't get it
Wow You're such a genius! I can't believe you thought of that! Read the post again I said it's a public page. If you want to put in the effort to find to go to it, have fun. You're so smart I can't believe it though. Funny how that works right?
That feeling when you try to use chronic sarcasm and fail hard.
But still, my point remains. For 'just in case the op wanted some privacy' that gives none. Gg
The only failure I saw was your lack of logic. I covered the name to "be a good guy", I don't have nor does Op require any privacy what so ever, since they posted on a public page for everyone to see, so in theory I shouldn't even have to give him privacy. The point is, you thought you were somewhat intelligent for doing what I said you could do in the main post, which was: Going on the page and finding him. Congratulations.