Waar wrote...
Cinia Pacifica wrote...
Waar wrote...
Cinia Pacifica wrote...
Waar wrote...
Sorry, that's not information I feel comfortable giving. I don't mind talking about most of the inner workings of the forums but my recommendations for staff should remain secret.
Very well then. I was always meaning to ask this but... when do you guys actually pull the banhammer? I know it varies on each moderators and how they think. But I take it that it's used like a last resort to fix the problem from a problematic user. But, how long does it usually take for you people to give up on these types of users and just ban them?
Every situation is different, for some it took years and others less than a week.
some it took years? I thought Gambler was the only one in that category.
I'm talking about the users, some have taken years to violate enough rules to be perma banned.
Ah, I thought you were talking about moderators, since I was asking about them.
So, have you been reading the entries?