Cinia Pacifica wrote...
AzelleFans wrote...
Cinia Pacifica wrote...
AzelleFans wrote...
Cinia Pacifica wrote...
Good morning.
OJOU-SAMAAAAAAAA......!!!!!! T^T *hugs and kisses her while sobbing*
Oh, you're back. *gently hugs back and pats*
Uuuu, I really missed you, Ojou-sama... T^T
Err, what's with this "thrown back to Page 1 whenever you post" thing? Just wake up this morning, and still in the hospital for now (blergh). Luckily, dear brother left his laptop so I can play around with it~ *enjoying the hugs and pats*
So I heard. Glad to know that you finally woke up. How are you feeling?
Oh and that's the bug. >_>
Weak and kinda disoriented. Well, the White Palace is not that bad. They got many beautiful and kind nurses here (lol). They even let me playing with the laptop ^^.
Aww, we don't have Bugbuster around? *kisses Cinia Ojou-sama again*
swordmanXIII wrote...
Cinia Pacifica wrote...
'Sup Swordy?
Hello, I am doing fine. Just you know trying to write about.......summer.
man I try to think of topics and I just think they might be a little cheesy or not make enough impact.
@AzelleFans : Hello nice to meet you. Don't mind me I am an old man who just got back from a trip of soul searching..... did not end well
The pleasure is mine. Hope we can talk more in time, and hope you find what you're seeking.
Ouch, this new ads really disturbing...... >.