Hanasaku wrote...
AzelleFans wrote...
Hanasaku wrote...
AzelleFans wrote...
w34km1nd3d wrote...
I'm going to divorce
Rise Kujikawa and Rin Kaenbyou.
Might or might not be a good news for someone.
Also, I miss my sister Saku.
I missed you too.
Thanks, need those. Hope you're doing good there (I'd eat your gloomy mood, if any).
Also, you posted about VC back then. Did you play it?
I was active for a moment, until I was convinced I was never going to get any SRs.
That's too bad. Would love to add you into the equation there.
Also, this girl reminds me to you. Granted, she's not as cute as you, but still looks like you in several ways.
besides, now I can undress you through her