Room101 wrote...
Cinia Pacifica wrote...
Room101 wrote...
How much would I have to know about Aikatsu to make an idol character; and how far can I go in making her a narcissistic bitch?
Enough to read entire thread (15k words apparently)
Enough to watch a few eps of animu to have the general imagery in mind
I've read the thread. It's all well explained, but I'm asking just in case, since as you probably already noticed, I never watched Aikatsu.
When are you planning to start?
Yeah, I'd prefer if people watched the anime a little since I can imagine them asking about things here and there. Tho I wouldnt say its mandatory; just recommended to make mai lyfe slightly easier.
You're more than welcome if you read the thread, regardless. I plan to start in a week or so, but if I can at least get one player per brand (except for those reserved by NPCs) then I'd start soon after.
Fallan wrote...
Cinia Pacifica wrote...
Fallan wrote...
Room101 wrote...
How much would I have to know about Aikatsu to make an idol character; and how far can I go in making her a narcissistic bitch?
Make her a slutty bitch.
pls accept that message i sent ages ago on fallen london lol
Haven't received a notif. lel
Lol dammit, lemme see if I can resend, i might have lost the ticket tho. its an annoying bug.