Hanasaku wrote...
Katsucha wrote...
Hanasaku wrote...
It's not me to wear filly clothing too.
Katsucha wrote...
Hanasaku wrote...
all shall fear the
[size=3]to be honest it's not a very good build.[/h]
Depends though I like how its play so far. To me at least its been consistent in draws.
I wanted to make one too, but it was too expensive. I didn't have any Madolches.
So I went with the two cheapest things ever: Master Hyperion and Ancient Gears
It's actually pretty cheap to make well at least for me any deck costing less than 100$ to make is cheap. >_>
I got 3 Lost Sanctuaries for $70 with shipping- bam. Master Hyperion.
I bought two Ancient Gear SD's and 3 Ultimate golems for ~$60 - and there you go.
They did me pretty well, but I lost to E.Dragons and Big Eye. THANK GOD DRAGONS ARE BANNED EHUEHUHEUHEUE
Lol well a Madolche deck would cost around 70$ or 80$ if you already have all the other staple spell,traps,synchros, and xyz.
and yeah good thing those dragons are ban.