(I hope I got this in the right hole forum, I'm usually only focusing on the hentai content here)
Let's be frank here, be it straight, yaoi or futanari, cocks play a major role in just about all hentai except possibly yuri. Be it the massive belly-deforming monster cocks, tiny shota cocks, cocks with phimosis, cocks with rings on them or just the most average of average peckers, the cocks are pretty front and centre in a lot of the hentai and they have as much variation as the pettankos through the oppais to the bakunyuus.
So, let's say hypothetically that we had different cock tags just like we have different boob tags. What would they be called and which ones would be your favourites?
Personally, I obviously find a visual appeal in huge cocks *affectionately eyes John K Peta and Type.90 bookmarks*. That said, two of the most adorable vanilla stories I've come across have been featuring (non-shota) tiny peckers, and a girl vocally enjoying her boyfriend's tiny cock hits me with the vanilla feels just as strongly as when a pettanko-knight declares his love for his girlfriend's flat chest. Except unlike pettanko, the tiny peckers are relatively few and hard to find, making them all the more the delicious rarity.