"Japanese law on what is considered “obscene” is largely ambiguous and so determinations of what constitutes illegal obscenity is largely left to the arbitrary whims of police – the main defence of the adult industry being the various quasi-governmental bodies it pays to say its mosaics are thick enough, and who perhaps not coincidentally employ plenty of retiring police officials."
These guys clearly deserve to be arrested for not putting enough pixels over fictional vaginas. Good job people of the Earth. Your intelligence and reasoning saved the day once again. All those children that will be saved from the clutches of drawn vaginas and penises.
I just had thought. For these "obscenities" to be found the police have to be searching for them. Which means in some police station in Japan it's some guys job to do nothing but look at hentai! Just sitting there with a ruler measuring censor bars in a dark room or something!
[size=10]It's probably not the case, but it would be funny if it was.[/h]
It must have been mildly amusing to be told you are being arrested for having black censor bars only 1.8mm wide instead of the designated 2mm. The eyes of society will be forever wounded at the massive increase of vagina in porn.