Grizzinmypants wrote...
Drifter995 wrote...
It depends on the person, but probably not, tbh. Maybe fuck, but doubt I could date one. I can't really explain it, but It's just one of those things.
It's just an embedded gene deep in your unconscious that makes you group with people more like yourself. That includes race. "Birds of a feather" is a saying for a reason. Now you don't have to hate other races,(I certainly don't) but the majority of people will find it difficult to be in an extended relationship with someone of another race. Again that doesn't mean you have to be a racist, but nobody truly "doesn't see race". Those people annoy me more than anything because they are blatant liars.
Is it a gene, or is it deep in your unconscious? I hate to be a nitpicker, just want to know which you're claiming it is.
Whichever it is, mine has obviously flaked out, and a good amount of my friends, too. Whether at "home", or here, I know plenty of people in mixed race relationships who are doing just fine, or better, than people who "stick with their own".