Princess Molestia wrote...
Misaki_Chi wrote...
....I can't take this seriously, it can't be that hard to find someone (or something) to spoon, hug, or hold hands with. If you're that alone, buy a puppy or a daki or something (-_-)
Actually... in a human to human sense that has a hint of romance or closeness...
I've never had that. Like talking non family. That's a different sort of love.
I mean a more romantic sort.
No one's ever gotten close to me, though not that I care to pay for it. I've had sex but it was a means to fulfill an urge there was no love there, no tenderness or desire...And some people want to feel that at least once and know that it's not going to happen any other way.
Pet's don't completely fill a void like a human can.
A pillow or a Cat at the end of the day isn't the same.
Oh I know, I just couldn't pay someone to cuddle me. Wouldn't feel the same for me because I know it's just a service. Even if the other person could reciprocate feelings towards my loneliness, I just couldn't give into the thought that I have to give them $60 pop an hour.
Also, I'm one that I can't cuddle for long, I love it and all, but I'm not overly touchy feely.... I'd also hate that no sex is included, freaks word's speak true =P