So, I thought it would be nice to keep a record of the various millionth posts in my signature, so this thread will be linked.
I found the 3,000,000th, but if anyone manage's to find Sneakyone's post at 1,000,000 or the 2,000,000th / 4,0000,000th / etc millionth posts, please link to the posts here if you can. If not, a credible source of who made the posts would be accepted, if there are multiple source, I'll temporarily list the post as 'contested' until a mod can link it or something.
1,000,000th Post:
2,000,000th Post:
Longevity (Thread Deleted)
3,000,000th Post:
4,000,000th Post:
5,000,000th Post: ??? (To be decided, not at 5 million yet)
More if they're found.