koko7 wrote...
Lucia wrote...
koko7 wrote...
Lucia wrote...
Kira4499 wrote...
ah, well, in that case, i am a bit new, i guess
You like Thai restaurant?.. Do you also like Thai Jelly tea?
I've never heard of that~ And yeah~ thai,japanese,chinese, korean I'm not sure it matters to me~I'd pretty much walk into any restuarant if I could~hehe~^^;
Wow~ that's great~~ I love having a culinary trip as well :D.. Kind of bored with fast food
Its coming up as this~ bubble tea ---> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bubble_tea
I would love to go on a culinary trip~xD But yeah..yucky fastfood an all~ Im literally next door to a mc'd and a kfc. )""":
Oh yes, that too.. Bubble tea is one of the most popular drink in here... But to be honest, I prefer jelly over the bubble