cruz737 wrote...
opanihuya wrote...
boredom. tried it at some point
p.s. sometimes I hate these goddamn haters. can you people shut the fuck up about thread quality for once, it's annoying as hell; like I'm in a fucking school or something. jesus. you come here to talk or to circle jerk?
That's a poor quality post.
^_^ I can handle it if it's aimed at me (there's only 1,2 people at max who dare anyway). But when it becomes a daily routine doesn't it annoy you as well?
cruz737 wrote...
Also to play devil's advocate,
wouldn't things you get judged for in HS be more superficial instead of what you say and do? Especially if it's really stupid.
why aren't you using present tense? You're spot on. Probably a bad association on my part.
DVSN wrote...
You have a horrible avatar.
Another useless commentary and i'll start ignoring your moves on me.