Nobyl wrote...
Takerial wrote...
Nobyl wrote...
I type the url into the
address bar (use the correct terminology you pleb) almost all of the time. I have zero bookmarks and use Google for pretty much everything else. Using the correct operators I can find pretty much anything I'm looking for, hell it often works better than site-specific search functions. As an example check out
Fakku's query results versus
Google's query results.
Url, Uniform Resource Locator, is also known as a Web Address.
Saying to type the Web Address into the Address Bar feels redundant and unnecessary.
Fuck off kid.
> Using Wikipedia for your argument.
The term 'web address' refers specifically to an URL visible on the internet. Not all URLs (URIs) are web addresses and you can type in more than just Web Addresses into the address bar you fucking moron. Developers labeled the bar appropriately for a reason, in every piece of Mozilla, Google's and Microsoft's documentation it will
always be referred to as the [i]address bar[i].
Except that has no relation to the question I was asking in the poll and you are the little twit that thinks it's important I be redundant because some company has documentation that lists it specifically which has no bearing on me whatsoever.
I'll keep it short for you.
Saying to just type the URL in, that's not wrong. I'm just not stating what you are typing it in because it is not necessary for people to understand what I am saying.
This isn't even a question on what is the proper terms; it would be a question on proper grammar which nothing is violated as it is an understood idea. Herp derp somewhere else.