EmiyaKiritsugu wrote...
Drifter995 wrote...
Ammy wrote...
Drifter995 wrote...
This thread is terrible
It seems like a lot of ib threads have been shit lately.
It is summer, no?
Also a little of the reason why I haven't been posting for a while
Except it's an alltime low of summerfags.
Why back in the day we'd have twice, even three times, this many summerfags.
And then father freaky and some others would cull the herd and we'd have some of our current members.
True, but still. A fair few summer fags have popped up. Nobody seems to be culling them off. Perhaps the tired old members of ib are passing down the 'fuck off, you're cancer (as opposed to fuck off we're full)' to the newer members to keep the line going, but they have grown soft, and don't care for the sweet circle jerks we once had, back in the day? The sweet sweet circle jerks of ib lore