SneeakyAsian wrote...
Aramos wrote...
SneeakyAsian wrote...
Aramos wrote...
echoeagle3 wrote...
Aramos wrote...
You don't use it that much anymore?
I love my estate. I will always love it. Don't you dare try to blow it up
Not even a small part?
@ Sneaky
Well I am too old and tired to duel but that obstacle course does sound interesting.
[color=#993300]You're a spirit. I've been experimenting and designing a new body, combining the effects of the Deathless, the Spartans, etc. it's ready when you need it
What kind of body is it?
@ Tsamari
I could stop it, did you launch it yet?
What are we looking for?
Tsamari wrote...
[color=#ff69b4]Anyone know how to stop a nuclear air strike?
[color=#993300]Requires too much effort, oh and eagle, I needed to charge my phone, so it kinda drained all the power from the estate. Defense grid is offline, sorry
Perhaps we could just adapt the tech from that body onto this one maybe?
@ Tsamari
Oh good now I can test this out -lifts up metal arm extending it out, the fingers retract back while the palm begins to charge up as electrical energy arcs along his metal arm-