I doubt most would remember me but hey, lets give this a go!
I used to frequent Fakku all the time in 2010 and post random things from time to time and would update the Master list in the nosebleed section.
Then I moved out on with my girlfriend around 2013 and things changed.
I didn't go on as much and I started to go on Skype more to talk to the other users I had met, good times were had and eventually I started to drift from that too. Had plans to go back to school and upgrade my Grade 12 courses so I could get into university or a college of some kind. Then I got distracted with my job, and I started to just lurk here and there and move on from F!
I'm working two jobs, finishing up my upgrade in English 12, plans to go into marketing and perhaps take a workshop in game development/ design. Not much time to jump on the forums anymore and looks like someone has tried to take the helm with redoing the master list in NB too.
This was a great place that still holds some fond memories for me, like the spiderman meme thread and the time I pissed some guy because Ritsu is MY WAIFU (STILL IS BTW).
Im still alive, just doing other outside social stuff, I should make more of an effort to go on skype more though.
And here is a picture of two hedgehogs from the google search, because why not?