Shotty Too Hotty wrote...
Agreed with Cruz and Antw0n, she's not one of
those feminists and her being a feminist doesn't really change anything. So what's the problem?
I don't think that the feminist that he talking about, but the fact someone used 'her nudes' to troll virgins into a ploy about a market firm and their #shutdown4chan SJW backed method. Which was funny as fuck when they knew it was false half a day before the release was going to be released.
Was she on board is the point because dem anon worship her like gay jesus. All i know something will be brewing and it gonna be entertaining. Either mass tweet to emma and other site for 'we aren't the bad guys her' or war. Plus that 4chan guy hack their phone... even though it was a brute force attack on a icloud accounts which took 40 days to finish. Don't share shit you don't want others to fap to or use a password that takes years to break. I forgot the actual number of variables vs the amount of characters but using 5 a-z letters isn't it like 11,881,376 different combinations? What like a few hours on a meh computer with cracking software.