Cruz wrote...
CronaBaka wrote...
Cruz wrote...
CronaBaka wrote...
Renovartio wrote...
and people wonder why people hate the EU
Or why people hate you.
It's sad that he doesn't have to do anything to get under your skin and a barrage of negative reps.
Also the EU does suck.
Go back to bed, uncle.
If you ask politely and give me a goodnight kiss, I could compile you a list of things they've done and are actively doing that are anti-democratic, make 0 financial sense and are just terrible all around, with reputable sources.
I'd be interested.
Gotta hear all the arguements to make a rational judgement and all that.
I got nothing from the whole Brexit dealy because both sides of the coin were focused on making false promises and slagging each other off, and all sources I found when doing research sounded biased and questionable.
Only solid thing I've gotten out of it is that the EU tried to stop us from leaving and tantrumed about it for a good few weeks, and that was as it was happening.