Kiba Eve Fumihiro wrote...
But but but but but you're suppose to be cruel to me!!
And you answered me like you would answer Cruz or any one you don't have a problem with! It just made me happy. I'm accepted!
*pokes fingers*
Right... so maybe you don't point it out? I said I would be civil with you to a point, and I try to fulfill our agreement. Don't need to make a big deal out of it.
Spikedpikes wrote...
Most of us still have no idea what 99% of what you say means, though.
Just saying, though, there will always be people on here that dislike you and treat you badly because of your past actions or your personality.
@koko I have no idea what that cutesy posting or your generous use of emotes adds to a conversation but so far I can tolerate it... that may not always be the case(with me and others).
Complete Horizon wrote...
That's rich coming from the guy whose posts are almost entirely liquid shit. Every thread you make is filled with cancer... why can't you be this insightful the other 99% of the time?
I would suggest that someone who shitposts as much as he does would recognize when others have that quality, he might even be the best at identifying it. As they say; game recognize game.