crazr wrote...
Gubi wrote...
crazr wrote...
Gubi wrote...
crazr wrote...
Gubi wrote...
Still got coffee so yes ^^
How about you?
Well, quite well! Got into a fight with my gf and we worked it out. Going to go visit her tonight.
Good. Working out fights is good ^^
Yup, now I get to see her as a reward. So you just drinking coffee right now, Sheep?
That and playing Falout New Vegas yes ^^
Never got into New Vegas. I played the shit out of Fallout 3 and the others though. Logged in so many hours.
Well it's kinda more of the same except useless factions that only determine what quests you can and can not do and who and who will not randomly attack you, better gunplay and combat, nerf and buffs to perks and skills, two good dlcs and 3 mediocre dlcs, and Hardcore mode.