Lt. Rand0m wrote...
@ Neoro: I get that picture lol, but I meant the Jazz... Fes... thing you mentioned?
Ah haha, my bad DX. It's the "International Jazz Festival of Montreal", simply, a lot of famous jazz musicians comes and play at where the Jazz Fes takes place. MAN I WANT TO GET HIRED AND WORK THERE (as a food stand seller XD, applied for crow control but seems like they were full dang it).
I mean, screaming "SELLING BOTTLES OF WATER!! COME AND GET YOUR BOTTLE OF WATER BEFORE YOU'RE DEHYDRATED!! QUICK BEFORE WE'RE OUT OF STOCK!! YOU DON'T WANT TO BE DEHYDRATED RIGHT?!" while listening to jazz in the background.... aaaaah *is in a state of bliss*
Bye bye Looky~ Take care!