That's no good. D:
I suck at studying though, so I can understand. Feels like, even if I study some, it doesn't help. I need to do it for hours for it to actually get into my thick skull, I guess.
I'm on skype on occasion, but not too much, really. Ah well though, at least I can talk to you on here.
I have no clue, to be completely honest with ya. I didn't bother with the place after a few pages, and I never really cared for it thereafter it, hence my lack attention toward this one as well--no offense is intended to the regulars of this thread in my saying that.
All I know is what was said on the title of it, that Jacob requested it be closed or something. Asa, a friend of mine and a frequenter of the v2 thread gave the reasons why, I believe, but I didn't check over it, since I wasn't exactly interested toward the matter.
So long as people have a place to chat, I think we're all good, one way or another, granted I don't really do it anymore, personally, but still.
FCB was the best. That and the old days of the VUVC. Ah, my happy days~ Lol, though I bet I was quite annoying--or rather more-so than I am now--since back then, I'd always use tildes after my sentences. And a helluva lot more emotes, haha. I was a mess.
ANYWAY, OKIES! See ya laters, Moomoo. Was nice seeing you again. :)
Doubt I'll still be here when you get back, but yah.